Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Snot and spit up

This week is a weird one. I'm playing the single parent since Chad is out of town. It's tough. I don't know how some people do it. It makes me really appreciate all he does around here. I definitely appreciate that he takes Avery to daycare each day. It's quite out of the way for me.

Speaking of daycare, Avery is doing really well. I think she and I have come down with something, though. It started out as sneezing with allergy-like symptoms, but it has gotten down in my chest and initiated a painful cough. Avery's eyes are red and she has been sneezing and coughing, too. Let's hope it stays mild, though. I've been blowing my nose like crazy, but she doesn't exactly know how to do that yet and she hates the bulb syringe stuck up her nose.

When I picked her up today, she was in a different outfit. Mrs. Kourtne', Avery's teacher, told me she had to change her because she spit up "all over herself." That's a new thing. She has never been one to spit up much, but after we got home this afternoon, she did it again. She's in her fourth outfit today (counting her pj's from this morning). It'll be 5 by bedtime. I'm hoping this trend is over!

She seems to be adjusting to this new schedule quite well. I'm doing much better than I expected, but I miss her like crazy during the day. I'm very tempted to take her to work with me and stash her under my desk.

No pictures today, but be sure you look back a couple of days where I posted shots from St. Louis.

1 comment:

Lincoln said...

I too am glad you are making it with the "back to work" thing! You are right...it gets a little better, but not to totally! We miss you and hope we can all get together soon! Love Trish and Lincoln