Monday, January 01, 2007


Hello fellow blogger buds! It has been a while since my last post. I hope you all are actually still at least checking regularly to see if I'm still alive.

Our little family is spending the New Year holiday at my parents' house in Hickory, North Carolina. Avery has had a ball exploring their new house. Since she won't crawl, she either has to scoot (which is much faster on the hardwood floors here) or walk with the assistance of a cooler, cardboard box, riding toy, or any other object not nailed to the floor.

Chad and I went to my friend Carl's house last night to ring in the new year. I saw several high school friends there and remembered why it was a good idea that I move to Nashville to go to Lipscomb. We left around 12:30 and decided that the blinding rain was a much bigger threat than the drunk drivers my parents warned us about.

Avery actually slept in until 8:30 this morning! Amazing! We took our time getting up, but finally dressed and went to pick up the U-Haul trailer we had reserved. We're bringing home an oak filing cabinet, entertainment center, and piano. I'm most excited about the piano. It's the one I've been playing since childhood. My parents got it from Steppenwolf's studio when I was really little. It'll be a fun heirloom. (When my parents came to visit a couple of weeks ago, they brought the little toy piano I played on as a baby and Avery took to it like a duck to water. Adorable! I hope she loves this piano, too.)

Mom is at the grocery store right now (again. She goes every day. I can't even imagine attempting that with Avery in tow.), so as soon as she returns, we're going to grab lunch and hit the mall. Go ahead. Kill me now. I dread the mall, but we need to make a few returns and exchanges.

No camera cord with us this weekend, so no photos to post. I'll really do my best to get some new ones on here this week.

I resolve this year to blog more regularly and actually download my photos. Hold me to it. Happy New Year!


Kim said...

Yea!!! I'm so glad you made that resolution. I'm glad you had a good time with your family. Piano- how wonderful. =) I hope Avery is as gifted musically as you are.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

yay! glad you are having such a great holiday! congrats on the acquirement of that piano. that will be a great heirloom.