For some strange reason, the last two nights my normally-predictable, even-tempered child has boycotted sleep. Why? She was grumpy on Tuesday when her preschool teacher had to wake her up from her nap at the end of the school day. I don't think she has recovered.
Tuesday night, we were up and down at least every hour because she was crying hysterically. However, she wanted
nothing to do with Chad. She just stood up in her crib saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy ..." I'm flattered. Honestly. But I need sleep, child!
She also resisted her afternoon nap yesterday, begging for my bed. So I tucked her into my bed. She escaped. I put her back in my bed and laid down next to her. She attempted to escape again. Back to the crib. She screamed for a while and finally crashed. The nap was shorter than normal, but at least she got one.
She woke up from that nap in hysterics again. My wheels are turning, thinking of every possible mysterious illness that could be plaguing my child. I stripped her down and wrapped her in a blanket and rocked for for a little. She calmed down, then went nuts again. I dressed her and brought her down to try Elmo. That stinkin' red monster has helped in the past, so I'm pulling out all the stops.
I spoon-fed the child some cottage cheese and let her watch the Elmo in Grouchland DVD and she transformed back into my child again. Were we in the clear???
No. She was normal for church last night and very pleasant on the way home. We had a great bedtime routine and tucked her in without incident. I crashed pretty soon thereafter and just as I was drifting off, I heard "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy ..." Kill me. I'm really considering a name change. I laid her back down and told her to go to sleep. She woke up several times last night, but we let her cry it out. Tough love? Maybe. But DEFINITELY sheer exhaustion.
This morning, she was as perky as ever. She wanted breakfast. Yogurt, apple, cheerios, juice. I'm happy with that. While she was eating, though, I ran upstairs to grab another load of laundry to throw in. By the time I got back downstairs, Avery had painted her entire bib with her yogurt. Why me??? I stripped her down to her diaper, but she has a yogurt cowlick that I've got to remedy before school today.
This job is nuts, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.